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"On the east side of the Pomicara valley, at the level of the S.Caterina hotel below, is located one of the most interesting houses on the coast. Already its location along Via Maestra dei Villaggi, immediately downstream of the same, halfway between the church of the Madonna del Carmine and that, used as a home, of St.John the Baptist, in a unique landscape site and, together, naturally defended by rocky slopes, precipitating for over eighty-five meters in the sea, signals it as an ancient factory."

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Thus, in the volume published by the Amalfi History and Culture Centre "Case a volta della Costa di Amalfi", Professor Giuseppe Fiengo of the University of Naples describes the house sometimes owned by the Porpora family, which I had the good fortune to inherit,

It is one of the few buildings of the vernacular architecture of the Amalfi Coast, which preserves all the layered expressions image of the eras and the different cultures and socio-economic needs in which he lived, from 1500 to today. A "stone document" that, together with the narrow terraces that surround it that house pergolas of loose Amalfi lemons, represents an urban element of exceptional value.


Enhancing and preserving, as far as possible, the amazing charm of the historic building that I was lucky enough to inherit, was my goal when I decided to renovate it.

Do not erase forever the past, which speaks in a singular way,

through the unrepeatability and uniqueness of these walls. Walls "carved and

transformed" by time, as no hand of man would be able to do, but the same hand of man, contributed, over the centuries, to make as they are today: "timeless". Walls that still have much to say to our time and to the tourist of our days eager to immerse themselves in the history, civilization, art and landscape of our territory and to fully enjoy it.



I’ll pass it on to my children. 

Different generations with a single dream: to make the tourists who live there live a unique experience in which to enjoy a refined combination of ancient charm,  contemporary spirit and modern comfort harmoniously integrated.

 in which to feel the breath of those who over the centuries, this house have inhabited, noble Amalfi families and sailors-farmers, who had "one foot on the boat and the other in the vineyard" and that, at the cost of sacrifices of other times , they have handed down to us an invaluable heritage.  

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